Time to reduce H1B Visas

Dear Public Servants,

Thank you for your service. I would like to remind you of the Golden
Rule and think of our Grandchildren.

Presently, many Americans are out of work especially young Americans.  Formerly, young Americans were trained by business to fit their needs.  Now instead of hiring young Americans, corporations are hiring foreign  workers via programs such as H1B Visa.

It would be better for our nation if more of these jobs went to young
Americans and Veterans.

Additionally, competition for workers would raise the standard of living  for Americans.

It’s time to cut back on the H1B visa program.

Sincerely yours,

Adam Selene November 2014

Creative Commons License
Time to Reduce H1B Visas by Adam Selene is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.